Invest With the Head, Not the Heart

There are plenty of times when the heart, not the head, governs decision-making. We buy a car because it fits the image we want to show the world, choose clothes that make us feel good. But while emotions have their place in the choices we make, successful investing...

Makeover Your Portfolio

Many people find themselves in trouble with debt because they’re getting into debt for the wrong reasons—vacations, clothing, cars, and gadgets that all create the illusion of wealth. Many of us overspend and over consume to the point of financial hardship. It isn’t a...

The US: The Once and Future Superpower?

A devalued dollar, a struggling economy and allegations of spying at home and abroad . . .is the US on the ropes, beaten in the struggle for superpowerdom by booming upstarts like China and India? Not likely, according to a recently updated article from The Futurist,...

The Inflation Advantage

If you’re in the investment game, you’ve probably Googled “inflation calculator”. You probably know that 4 percent inflation over ten years is$66,000. So you purchase two four-plexes in two cities, $500,000 each. You’ve spent $1 million, but you got a deal—they’re...