Tired of Your Government? Try Seasteading!

It’s easy to complain about the government. More rare, however, is the ability to conceive a plan of how to implement an alternative and then actually do it. That’s where the Seasteading Institute comes into play. This non-profit organization exists for the purpose of...

“Financial Advisors” Mislead Senior Investors

What’s in a name? asked William Shakespeare. Plenty –when it comes to the loosely defined arena of financial investing, where virtually anyone can claim a title. And as a recent report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau reveals, the confusing array of titles...

No Insurance in 2014? Get Ready for a Penalty!

We just paid a visit to Healthcare.gov and, surprisingly, were able to browse through the much-maligned website with relative ease. There was one section in particular that caught our interest, and it described the procedures behind the “individual responsibility...

Digital Currencies Shape a New Monetary Landscape

Are Bitcoins for real? Just ask UK techie James Howells, who recently tossed out a long forgotten computer hard drive, only to realize – far too late – that the device contained $7.5 million worth of Bitcoins, the digital currency that’s been making headlines as it...

Create a New Financial Reality at Meet the Masters 2014

For the handful of people who have earned all the money they ever want to in their life, feel free to tune out the rest of this post. For the other 99.9% of the population still in the throes of dreaming and scheming about ways to create true financial independence,...