The American Dream – Set for Modification

Ever since World War II men and women have scrimped, saved, and finally allowed themselves the ultimate luxury of buying a home. It was the American Dream, sold to the public as the defining characteristic of a life well-lived. But a funny thing happened on the way to...

RV Ratios: Do the Math

We’ve always been told that appearances can be deceiving. And that’s true in real estate investing as n most other areas of life. That’s where tools like Jason Hartman’s Rent to Value Ratio come in, with a way to sort the good from the bad and the ugly in income...

Revisiting Asset Deflation/Monetary Inflation

You might have noticed that we’re in an interesting time, financially. We’ve got asset deflation and monetary inflation—assets decreasing in value and dollars that offer temporary strength. This, as Jason Hartman has said before, are great times for the investor. Now...

Gold vs. Real Estate

Jason Hartman has previously mentioned that gold bugs have the right idea but draw the wrong conclusions—and here are five reasons why. First, gold has no financing. Real estate does, which makes it the superior asset. Second, gold offers no tax benefits, which is a...