Jason Hartman: “Thou Shalt Invest in Quality”

Take a moment and think back to that first real job. Maybe it was after high school or college—your first foray into the world of professionals. You probably wanted to look the part, but maybe money wouldn’t allow. So you went to a low end department store or a thrift...

When Disaster Strikes, What’s a Landlord To Do?

The recent mudslide in Oso, Washington left at least 39 people dead and caused property damage in the millions of dollars. But that slide, like many other natural disasters before it, also sparked new debate about the rights and obligations of homeowners in the...

The Dollar: Still a Go-To Currency

The venerable US dollar has taken a beating of sorts lately, with fluctuating values relative to other world currencies and challenges by the Bitcoin and other digital monies. But as a recent Flightfox report on the bustling black money markets in Argentina reveals,...