From Optimist to Opportunist

If you’ve lived through the past five years, it should come as no surprise that it is exceedingly difficult to be an optimist—at least when it comes to your investment attitude. And that’s okay. Jason Hartman embodies the philosophy that it’s best to embrace what you...

Thou Shalt Look at the Big Picture

We’ve all been in a “consider the larger picture” scenario at some point in our lives. Usually precipitated by an overreaction to a smaller event, someone will tell us that we’re misfocusing, that we should think instead about the big picture. And when we fail to...

Thou Shalt Make Rational Decisions

There’s a theory that says we’re willing to pay more for something when it’s being offered alongside something free. Likely, it isn’t a deal at all—the cost of the free item is worked into the cost of the first item, but we are tricked. A free item allows us to forget...