Thou Shalt Use Shelters to Protect Wealth

As children, we’re taught that a human only needs three things to survive—food, water, and shelter. And while real estate offers a physical shelter (which is one of the reasons it is so great—people will always need shelter) what we’re talking about here is real...

The Dark Wallet: Security For Bitcoin Users

What’s in your (dark) wallet? As Bitcoin use continues to spread, so do efforts to regulate the digital currency and thwart its promise of anonymity. As Bitcoin users worry more and more about the vulnerability of the digital wallets used to conduct cybertransactions...

“Buy and Hold” Beats Capital Gains Taxes

“Know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em,” goes the old Kenny Rogers song. Turns out, smart investors know that holding ‘em – real estate assets, that is – is the route to building wealth. Among the many benefits of buying and holding income property: dodging...

Real Estate Outlasts Gold for Investing Success

Good as gold? For investors hoping to create long term wealth, that old phrase rings pretty hollow. As the prices of gold and other precious metals bounce up and down in response to conditions in various parts of the world, real estate beats the glittery stuff hands...

Jason Hartman: “Thou Shalt Embrace Fragmentation”

If you’ve ever dropped a smartphone face down on the pavement, you know what a hassle fragmentation can be. What was once a perfect, smooth screen is now 30 pieces of shattered glass. Strangely though, most often the phone continues to work. Sure, it’s a little...