Commandment #15: Thou Shalt Have a Reality Check

If you’ve stuck with us this long, you’ve probably noticed that Jason Hartman’s commandments of investing are meant to complement one another. Number fifteen is no different—thou shalt have a reality check is meant to go hand in hand with number eleven (though shalt...

Put Time, Mother Nature, and Government on Your Side

If you’ve been listening to Jason Hartman for long, you’ve probably heard him say that he’s not an optimist, but an opportunist. Time, Mother Nature, and Government operate largely independently of us as individuals, so rather than lament the destruction that each of...

Jason Hartman – Thou Shalt Understand Relativity

Maybe you’ve heard the phrase about water seeking its own level. The idea holds true in a variety of contexts, but for the sake of today’s discussion let’s say that water seeks the lowest level. We can apply this thinking to stock and precious metals...