Should Bad Banks Handle Pension Funds?

In recent times, American workers have seen their retirement plans evaporate as employers and financial institutions mismanage or whittle away their pension funds. As another round of indictments come down for the nation’s biggest banks, one Senator is asking whether...

Artificial Intelligence: Changing the Investing World?

For over a century, scie3nc fiction writers have been inventing futures in which intelligent machines and robots run the world, with either wondrous benefits or devastating consequences for human life. And now, thanks to lightning fast advances in robotics and...

The Qualified Mortgage Rule: What Investors Need to Know

The Ability to Repay and Qualified Mortgage Rules for mortgage lending took effect in January 2014, part of a wide-ranging package of reforms aimed at boosting the housing recovery after the crash of 2008. But those regulations may be having the opposite effect. The...

The Robot Revolution Comes to Real Estate

Experts predict that by 2015, robots and other kinds of artificial intelligences and smart machines will claim one third of the jobs held by humans. The coming of the Second Machine Age concerns some economists and financial planners, who worry about the impact of...

Investing: 4 Trends For the Future

Fifteen years can seem like a pretty long time – and the year 2030 sounds like a date from a science fiction novel. But the future is now – and, as a recent article from Business Insider reports, today’s emerging trends will shape the investing landscape of tomorrow....