Understanding Inflation

The first key to understanding inflation is to recognize the difference between real and nominal. If you think about a physical $100 bill, it is easy to understand that 50 years ago, it was still a $100 bill. We called it the same thing, it looked (mostly) the same...

Going Green: Sustainable Investing

For many, home ownership represents the ultimate investment, perhaps because it is so engrained in our ideas about the American Dream. But it’s tricky—one of the signs of a good investment is its ability to make money. For most of us, this isn’t the case with a home....

Getting Out of This Financial Mess

In our last article, we discussed the impending and ongoing financial crisis—the $6 trillion time bomb tick-tocking over our head. And, while we wish debt and the promise of crazy inflation was the only problem we face, it is unfortunately but one of the problems. The...

Trillion Dollar Time Bomb

Anyone who has irresponsibly managed a credit card knows how stressful debt can be. It often seems to come from nowhere, sneaking up on you and accumulating huge amounts of interest that cut into your bank account. And that’s just personal debt—imagine the burden of a...

Put Time, Mother Nature, and Government on Your Side

If you’ve been listening to Jason Hartman for long, you’ve probably heard him say that he’s not an optimist, but an opportunist. Time, Mother Nature, and Government operate largely independently of us as individuals, so rather than lament the destruction that each of...