And If Inflation Doesn’t Happen?

You may be asking yourself whether or not Jason Hartman’s advice is relevant if inflation doesn’t happen. His advice and theories are based on years of careful research, but hey—we’re all wrong from time to time. But here’s the good news—even if inflation doesn’t...

Get Paid to Borrow (Part 2)

You might remember that monthly income projection is based on RV Ratio™, which is (in a perfect world) .7 percent. .5 percent is the least acceptable ration, and .6 will do. Assume a property is only rented 11 months out of the year. If you buy a house for $18,000,...

Get Paid to Borrow (Part 1)

Jason Hartman tells a story in which a property manager from one of his properties phones him at 8:00 in the morning, from another state. He’s mildly annoyed because it is early and he isn’t a morning person. Five minutes later, he’s off the phone, having approved a...

Inflation, Opportunity, and Maintaining Control

In addition to redistributing wealth from lenders to borrowers, inflation redistributes wealth from old to young. Older folks are typically on a fixed income, so purchasing power is destroyed as prices increase. Younger people generally have more debt, which is less...

Sometimes Mother Doesn’t Know Best

When Jason Hartman speaks, he often refers to his mother. Aside from a genuine affection for the woman that raised him, Jason talks about his mom because it’s a story full of lessons. In 1976, Jason’s mother purchased her first house (which she still owns) for...