Buy or Rent? Do the Math

For decades, the promise of homeownership has been part of the “American Dream.” But these days, more and more Americans are dreaming a different dream, one in which homeownership no longer plays a part. As a new report from the Wall Street Journal points out,...

The Dark Wallet: Security For Bitcoin Users

What’s in your (dark) wallet? As Bitcoin use continues to spread, so do efforts to regulate the digital currency and thwart its promise of anonymity. As Bitcoin users worry more and more about the vulnerability of the digital wallets used to conduct cybertransactions...

“Buy and Hold” Beats Capital Gains Taxes

“Know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em,” goes the old Kenny Rogers song. Turns out, smart investors know that holding ‘em – real estate assets, that is – is the route to building wealth. Among the many benefits of buying and holding income property: dodging...

Jason Hartman: “Thou Shalt Invest in Quality”

Take a moment and think back to that first real job. Maybe it was after high school or college—your first foray into the world of professionals. You probably wanted to look the part, but maybe money wouldn’t allow. So you went to a low end department store or a thrift...

Low Credit Score, No Mortgage? Maybe Not

Lending standards took a tighter turn this past January, making it harder for many would be homebuyers to get a mortgage – and fueling fears of a slowdown in the recovering housing market. But in spite of those new requirements, some lenders are making their own...