CW 224: Wall Street’s Rigged Game Against Main Street USA

Jason Hartman takes a unique middle ground on the Occupy Wall Street protests since Wall Street doesn’t represent capitalism as the right-wing media would have us believe while the left-wing media who supports big government and big unions doesn’t...

Need Additional Income to Make Your First Income-Property Deal?

Often times, some of us are too scared to jump straight into business for ourselves, so we latch on to the security of the 9 to 5 job. If you are trying to purchase that first income property, how will you generate enough income to put cash into it? Most often than...

Refi ‘Til Ya Die

Empowered Investor Network has a series of core concepts that we communicate to our investors. One of these is to “Refi Till Ya Die” with your rental property portfolio. While this description may sound a bit snarky, it is a very powerful strategy for multiplying your...

The Four Factors of Income Properties

Four principal factors drive the opportunity for income property investing. In most investments, such as stocks and bonds, there are only one or two factors like appreciation or dividends that drive the value of the investment. Income property is unique, because it is...