Effects of the Fed’s Stimulus Go International

The Federal Reserve’s stimulus plan was designed to improve conditions at home. But now that the Fed is moving forward with tapering it down in 2014, a meeting of the world’s leading monetary policy makers in Sydney points up the international effects of the massive...

Did Severe Winter Weather Hurt Housing?

Blame Boreas, Cleon and Electra for a slowdown in housing on the East coast this winter. According to a new Bloomberg report, those harsh winter storms may have accounted at least partly for a slowdown in housing activity on the East Coast. And that points up one of...

Smart Investors See the Forest and the Trees

Jason Hartman’s first 10 Commandments for Investors laid down some key pieces of advice for making smart investing choices for building wealth. Now, he’s created the next 10 commandments, which elaborate on the first ten and add new advice for a successful...

Bank of America Settles Insurance Fixing Case

The nation’s three biggest banks, already poster children for a variety of fraudulent practices, have now added insurance fraud to the list of offenses that keep bringing them to federal court. This time, the problem had to do with “force-placed” homeowner insurance...

Insurance Companies Build Portfolios in Real Estate

Invest in your future: buy insurance! That’s what the nation’s major insurance companies tell worried consumers every day. Those monthly premiums, they say, represent an investment for the future, protecting valuable assets like homes, cars – and even lives – against...