Qualified Mortgage Rule Changes Benefit Investors

The Qualified Mortgage Rule – a piece of the Dodd Frank Act designed to prevent another mortgage meltdown like the one in 2008 – has drawn fire from the mortgage industry and consumer advocates alike. And as we’ve noted before in this space, it offers a mixed message...

Can New Mortgage Standards Derail the Recovery?

The Federal Reserve’s decision to postpone – indefinitely – the planned taper-down of its massive mortgage securities buyup is good news for the hard-hit housing industry the stimulus plan was designed to help. But even as mortgage interest rates will likely remain...

The Fed’s Reversal Rocks the Markets

Remember “Septaper” – that awful sobriquet for the Federal Reserve’s planned taper down of its asset-buying stimulus plan? After months of hinting that led up to an expected draw down in September 2013, the Fed pulled an about-face, announcing that the plan will roll...

Online-Only Banking: Is it Safe?

Traditional brick and mortar banks give the appearance of security and stability – and for most people, that’s the only place to leave their money. But a new kind of branchless banking is challenging those assumptions, as online only banking slowly but steadily draws...

5 Moves to Keep Good Tenants

Keeping properties rented is the key to building wealth in income property. High turnover in tenants costs money in several ways, from loss of income due to vacancy to the expenditures of preparing a home for rent and advertising for new tenants. In a previous post we...