Good Debt, Bad Debt: What’s the Difference?

In a previous post, we took a look at why new and recent college graduates saddled with student loans are wary of taking on the traditional debts of adult life: car loans and mortgages. Now, a closer look at the financial habits of the people known as “Generation Y”...

Student Loan Debt Hits the Housing Market

Student loan debt may the next bubble waiting to burst – with potential repercussions for many other areas of the economy, particularly housing. Although new and recent grads are playing a large part in the rising rental demand, the student loan debt they’re carrying...

Persistence of the Jobless Recovery

Most people noticed when the bureau of economic analysis released GDP growth numbers for Q4’10 of 3.2%. What most people have not noticed is a rise in the level of national affluence. There appears to be a disconnect that is growing between the numbers that are...

Terrorism or Not? It’s All in the Insurance

After a week of violence and terror that paralyzed the city of Boston and riveted the country, officials are calculating the true toll of the bombings at the Boston Marathon – a cost measured not only in loss of life but in economic terms. But unless the bombings are...

John Rubino Talking Cyprus Collapse

Jason Hartman and John Rubino of tackle the latest hot EU issue happening in Cyprus with the potential implosion of the Cyprian banking system. John discusses what is on the table to bail out Cyprus and the consequences of any deals reached. He also...