How Can Student Loan Debt Hurt Housing?

In recent posts we’ve taken a look at the looming crisis of out of control student debt – a burden that many new and recent college graduates must shoulder for much, if not all, of their working lives – and which has a ripple effect in other areas of the economy as...

FHA Rule Changes Could Cost You Money

Record low mortgage rates may still be dominating the mortgage market, but new changes in FHA financing rules may end up making it more expensive to finance or refinance a property purchase in the coming months. Those changes, spurred by a shortfall in funds for...

Optimizing Your Portfolio Against Inflation, Deflation, and Taxes

One of the predictions that are beginning to pick up steam in the investor community is the notion that coming disruptions in government policy will further suppress investment activity and create deflation over the short-run, with inflation expected over the long-run...

Fake Attorneys Scam the Housing Market

If Nigerian money transfers and fake refinancing promotions weren’t enough, scammers keep coming up with still more ways to defraud and otherwise take advantage of unwary or struggling homeowners and income property investors. Now, new warnings about real estate...

Financial Planner or Money Manager? Getting the Right Advice

When should you fire your money manager? That’s a question raised by a number of recent posts on a variety of financial information sites and journals. But as finances become more complex and independent investors attempt to negotiate the landscape of loans, rates and...