Lenders Court Delinquent Borrowers With “Streamlined Modification”

Even though indications are that the housing market is looking up after the disastrous crash a few years ago, the mortgage lending industry is still digging itself out of some very deep holes. Among the numerous problems facing major lenders both private and federal...

Going Green Pays Off in the Housing Market

“Green” houses mean greenbacks for investors. Houses featuring environmentally friendly upgrades and energy-saving devices command higher prices, attract more affluent tenants, and improve neighborhoods. While going green may look expensive, a variety of perks are...

Dinosaur Degrees: Are Four Year Colleges Worth It?

For many of the so-called “millennial” generation – newly graduated from college, or recent grads in the last five years or so – the old advice about getting a degree to get ahead just doesn’t apply. As more graduates are facing decades or more of student loan...

Employment Outlook Affects the Fed’s Bond Buyup

Over $3 trillion and counting. That’s the total so far of the Federal Reserve’s buyup of mortgage security bonds – a number that, as we discussed in a recent post, is raising alarms among senior representatives of regional Federal Reserve banks. Now, in another twist...

Jason Interviews FreedomWorks VP Dean Clancy

Jason Hartman interviews Dean Clancy, the Vice President of Public Policy of a grassroots movement called FreedomWorks, to discuss many hot topics and issues that our country is facing. Dean talks about the fiscal cliff and the ramifications of the policies pushed...