International Students: Another Rental Opportunity

International relations may ebb and flow, but one thing seems constant: students from all over the world still travel abroad to study and experience new cultures. Just as American college students eagerly plan for semesters abroad in Paris or Milan, their counterparts...

Foreign Real Estate: A Risky Investment?

As more Americans are choosing to spend their post-retirement lives abroad, investing in foreign real estate can look like an attractive option. But while buying investment properties in some of the world’s hottest markets can work smoothly, as Jason Hartman says,...

Can the Dodd Frank Act Crush Banking’s Little Guys?

And then there were . . . none? The nation’s small banks and independent financial institutions seem to be disappearing at a rapid rate. While the demise of these regional and local banks may be nothing more than a blip on the financial industry’s radar, market...

Do Women Trump Men for Successful Investing?

There’s a new book out by LouAnn Lofton and the folks at investing site The Motley Fool, called “Warrenn Buffett Invests Like a Girl: And Why You Should Too.” While investing like a girl might make testosterone driven deal chasers flinch, it turns out that a number of...

Time Can Be an Investor’s Best Friend

When the pyramids were built, woolly mammoths still roamed the earth – an odd fact that reminds us that time isn’t always what we think it is. People want money – fast, and that’s why get rich quick schemes snare so many would-be investors. But in real estate, time,...