Rental Trends: What’s Hot in 2015

You don’t need a crystal ball to know that the US rental market is still hot. But as 2014 winds down, housing industry watchers are turning their gaze toward the future and making predictions about where rental property – and rental property investing – might be...

Balancing Tenant Rights and Landlord Access

You’ve got a rental property occupied by (you hope) great tenants. But you can’t just leave that property on autopilot. Sometimes you need to get access to your property – but that means invading the privacy of your tenants. What’s an investor/landlord to do? The...

Will Taxing the Rich Hurt Housing?

A new proposal to slap uber-wealthy property owners in New York City with extra taxes could mean the end of luxury buildings in the city – and critics fear that this kind of strategy for “taxing the rich” could set a dangerous precedent for other cash strapped US...

Red State, Blue State: Who Wins in Housing?

And you thought there was just one US housing market. Turns out, there are many regional versions that make up the national market whose ups and downs are being closely monitored after the massive collapse of a few years ago. And not all those markets are behaving the...

Why Republicans are Winning the Housing Recovery

Bryan Ellis Investing Letter –  If you want to live in a state where the housing market is clearly in a state of recovery and heading in an upward direction, you had better check the political climate before you buy. You might be thinking that this is some sort...