
Is the “S” word making a comeback?

Is the “S” word making a comeback?

If I had a penny for every time I heard someone say that this “can’t happen here”, I’d be on the Bloomberg Billionaire Index within a year. No questions asked. America is a fantastic country with a business culture that is second to none. But it’s still a nation of...

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This Group Will Change Your Life

This Group Will Change Your Life

Remember that fateful day you said goodbye to your 9 to 5? It must have felt liberating. No longer did you have to rely on a paycheck to get by or worry about your company having to downsize or completely shut down like many humble enterprises did throughout the...

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Become Independent by Making Inflation Your Best Friend

Become Independent by Making Inflation Your Best Friend

For anyone who has a clue about the intricacies of economics, inflation is a four letter world. As it should be in any society that values economic sanity. However we don’t live in that kind of society. Governments these days are led by people whose economic instincts...

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Why voting with your feet is here to stay

Why voting with your feet is here to stay

When you think about voting, the first image that comes to mind is casting ballots in a voting booth. In our present democratic order, voting is mostly associated with political activity. While generally true, people are constantly voting in different ways throughout...

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Use This Trick to Beat Inflation and Grow Your Wealth

Use This Trick to Beat Inflation and Grow Your Wealth

One thing you’ll learn in the income property game is that conventional wisdom is often wrong. You probably remember those days when you got your feet wet in real estate. You had your doubts. According to the financial gurus you used to follow, real estate was a scam....

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Introducing The Collective Mastermind Series

Introducing The Collective Mastermind Series

Jason Hartman here.  I want you to get a sneak preview of my new exclusive program before it goes public. Lo and behold the Collective Mastermind. The Collective Mastermind is a private club designed with the goal of increasing your investments returns, while...

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Here’s Why the Financial Gurus are Wrong About Debt

Here’s Why the Financial Gurus are Wrong About Debt

Debt is bad…. ….so says every financial guru on the web. Most notable being Dave Ramsey, one of the most prominent financial personalities who is very averse to the concept of debt. Now, I’m not going to be spending the bulk of this email bashing Ramsey. In fact,...

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What Billionaires Going to Space Tells Us About Inflation

What Billionaires Going to Space Tells Us About Inflation

You probably saw the news of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Virgin Galactic founder Richard Branson riding into space last month. Naturally, many people were awe-struck at these feats. Ever since the moon landing of 1969, space has captured the imagination of millions...

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