Get Paid to Borrow (Part 1)

Jason Hartman tells a story in which a property manager from one of his properties phones him at 8:00 in the morning, from another state. He’s mildly annoyed because it is early and he isn’t a morning person. Five minutes later, he’s off the phone, having approved a...

Sometimes Mother Doesn’t Know Best

When Jason Hartman speaks, he often refers to his mother. Aside from a genuine affection for the woman that raised him, Jason talks about his mom because it’s a story full of lessons. In 1976, Jason’s mother purchased her first house (which she still owns) for...

The “Stuff” Value of Real Estate

When considering the value of an asset, what most people consider is the nominal value or “price” of the asset.  When prices are going up, people get excited, and greedy.  Rational analysis quickly gives way to fanciful visions of easy wealth.  Conversely, when prices...