Inflation’s Low – Is That a Good Thing?

According to a new Business Insider report, inflation is hovering around one percent. That’s a good thing, right? Not so fast. Mild inflation actually helps the economy – and, as Jason Hartman always says, it can be an investor’s friend. Most Americans believe that...

When Disaster Strikes, What’s a Landlord To Do?

The recent mudslide in Oso, Washington left at least 39 people dead and caused property damage in the millions of dollars. But that slide, like many other natural disasters before it, also sparked new debate about the rights and obligations of homeowners in the...

Commandment #15: Thou Shalt Have a Reality Check

If you’ve stuck with us this long, you’ve probably noticed that Jason Hartman’s commandments of investing are meant to complement one another. Number fifteen is no different—thou shalt have a reality check is meant to go hand in hand with number eleven (though shalt...

Put Time, Mother Nature, and Government on Your Side

If you’ve been listening to Jason Hartman for long, you’ve probably heard him say that he’s not an optimist, but an opportunist. Time, Mother Nature, and Government operate largely independently of us as individuals, so rather than lament the destruction that each of...

Jason Hartman’s NEXT Ten Commandments: Don’t Be a Sucker

An old man eats dinner alone at a restaurant and when it’s time to go, tells the owner that he’s accidentally forgotten his wallet back at the hotel. He promises he’ll be back with it and, as a sign of his intentions, leaves his violin as collateral. I’m a traveling...