Get Free Money Out of Your Investment

It’s well documented that income property is the most tax favored asset, and taxes make up the single largest expense for many people. Between 40 and 60 percent of most people’s income goes toward some form of taxes, and those numbers appear to be on the rise. When we...

Pet Lovers Boost Rental Incomes

People love their pets. And renting to people with animals creates a new income stream for income property investors in the form of pet deposits. But in order to avoid the many headaches that can come with pet issues in rental housing, landlords need to know the law –...

Buy Gold, Flip Houses – Or Build Wealth With Real Estate

Gold prices are on the upswing again after months of slumping, and the precious metals market is once again teasing investors with the promise of big gains – fast. But the nature of that kind of investing means that while investors may make money, it’s a bit of...

“Buy and Hold” Beats Capital Gains Taxes

“Know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em,” goes the old Kenny Rogers song. Turns out, smart investors know that holding ‘em – real estate assets, that is – is the route to building wealth. Among the many benefits of buying and holding income property: dodging...

Real Estate Outlasts Gold for Investing Success

Good as gold? For investors hoping to create long term wealth, that old phrase rings pretty hollow. As the prices of gold and other precious metals bounce up and down in response to conditions in various parts of the world, real estate beats the glittery stuff hands...