Will the 30-Year Mortgage Disappear?

For decades, the 30-year mortgage has been a staple of the US real estate industry, making it pp0ssoble for millions of Americans – and investors – to buy houses without draining their savings. But the good old 30-year mortgage may be a dying breed, as the government...

Real Estate: The Only Private Investment?

Time was, anybody who wanted a safe and anonymous hideaway for financial assets turned to offshore banking. Swiss bank accounts and offshore havens in places like the Cayman Islands allowed depositors both legal and not so legal a way to safeguard assets from risks of...

Internet Real Estate Sales: Changing the Game?

Online real estate transactions now account for over half of all housing purchases in the US alone. The Web offers a place for buyers, sellers, agents and investors to do business that bypasses the traditional “brick and mortar” style of doing business – and it’s...

Oil Prices and Real Estate: A Key Connection?

Since late 2014, oil prices have been steadily falling. While that makes US drivers very happy, plunging prices can deliver a hit to the recovering real estate market in areas where the oil industry has a high profile. US oil prices are now dropping below $200 a...

For Successful Investing, Sweat the Small Stuff

It’s often said that the devil is in the details. But for investors, attention to some things that may not seem so significant can make a big difference in long-term returns. That’s the topic of a recent article and infographic from Visual Capitalist, which points out...