The No Closing Cost Mortgage: Who Needs It?

In spite of continued low interest rates, mortgage applications remain slow in many areas of the US housing market. So, after the series of scandals, settlements and new regulations that marked the aftermath of the housing collapse of 2008, leading mortgage servicers...

The Rental Housing Market: A Winning Year for Landlords?

Rising rents and a widening pool of ready tenants are making 2013 the year of the landlord in many areas of the US housing market. As the economy continues its crawl out of a recent slump, more people are choosing – or are forced by circumstance – to rent dwellings...

Passive Investment = Active Tax Savings

Can you be passive and active at the same time? In the world of real estate tax law, you certainly can – and it may save you money.   Key tax deductions for income property investors stopped short of a plunge over last year’s fiscal cliff.  Now, with tax season in...