“Buy and Hold” Beats Capital Gains Taxes

“Know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em,” goes the old Kenny Rogers song. Turns out, smart investors know that holding ‘em – real estate assets, that is – is the route to building wealth. Among the many benefits of buying and holding income property: dodging...

Real Estate Outlasts Gold for Investing Success

Good as gold? For investors hoping to create long term wealth, that old phrase rings pretty hollow. As the prices of gold and other precious metals bounce up and down in response to conditions in various parts of the world, real estate beats the glittery stuff hands...

Inflation’s Low – Is That a Good Thing?

According to a new Business Insider report, inflation is hovering around one percent. That’s a good thing, right? Not so fast. Mild inflation actually helps the economy – and, as Jason Hartman always says, it can be an investor’s friend. Most Americans believe that...

When Disaster Strikes, What’s a Landlord To Do?

The recent mudslide in Oso, Washington left at least 39 people dead and caused property damage in the millions of dollars. But that slide, like many other natural disasters before it, also sparked new debate about the rights and obligations of homeowners in the...

Low Credit Score, No Mortgage? Maybe Not

Lending standards took a tighter turn this past January, making it harder for many would be homebuyers to get a mortgage – and fueling fears of a slowdown in the recovering housing market. But in spite of those new requirements, some lenders are making their own...