Tech Expert’s Proposal: Self-Driving Cars

Newser – The future, as one ex-Google employee sees it, could involve cars that not only drive themselves but own themselves, too. The idea, Mike Hearn tells the BBC, is to create “the most moral, socially minded capitalist possible.” The cars...

Bitcoin CEO’s Suicide: Another “Bankercide”?

More evidence that the Bitcoin is running with the big dogs of the finance world: the CEO of major Bitcoin exchange First Meta has joined the growing list of suicides and other mysterious deaths that have cast a long shadow over the international financial community...

Bitcoin Scams Hit Major Online Marketplaces

The brave new world of cybercurrency continues to roil. The front–runner for challenging the old standard of bank-backed (or hard asset-backed) money is reeling from several major hits lately – and that includes a rash of Bitcoin scams that have trapped users trying...

The Dogecoin: Stealing the Bitcoin’s Show?

Can the Dogecoin give the Bitcoin a run for its (pun intended) money? Although it’s only been around for a little over two months, the newly created digital money has already made headlines at Sochi’s Winter Olympics, where a devoted Reddit group used it to raise...

The Bitcoin: Real Money or a Payment System?

Bitcoin’s identity crisis continues, as the upstart digital currency makes more inroads into traditional commerce the world over, triggering government bans and prompting financial experts to question whether Bitcoin will behave like a regular currency capable of...