Fannie Mae Joins the Crowd of Bank Fraud Lawsuits

The US Justice Department and numerous state attorneys general have been pressing lawsuits against the nation’s big banks for a variety of crimes and misbehaviors since 2010. Now, housing giant Fannie Mae is joining the party, with a lawsuit of its own against...

Social Media Gets a High Profile In BofA’s Fraud Case

If the power and reach of social media in today’s world were ever in doubt, here’s the latest demonstration: a profile on the professional network LinkedIn became the equivalent of a real person in the latest fraud case against perennial defendant Bank of America....

Another Round of Lawsuits Reveal More Bank Fraud

It’s often said that the more things change, the more they stay the same. That’s dismally true where Bank of America is concerned, as two more lawsuits filed against the banking giant this week reveal that once again, BofA and mortgage fraud go hand in hand. The...

More Apologies to Mortgage Fraud Victims

The comedy of errors continues as payouts trickle out to victims of wrongful foreclosures in the robosigning settlement case. A month after the first wave of checks began bouncing at banks around the country, another group of recipients are being told that they’ll get...

Bank of America: More Mortgage Settlement Troubles

Just when it seemed the dust was settling in the various lawsuits and settlements resulting from charges of mortgage and securities fraud leveled at the nation’s biggest bank, new reports reveal that Bank of America is once again in trouble. This time the financial...