
What’s reasonable rent for your property?

What’s reasonable rent for your property?

This one is a biggie. You finally decided to take action through Empowered Investor Network and start using real estate investing to create the level of wealth that makes you veerrry comfortable. You know from reading hundreds of blog post and listening to dozens of...

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Do you play the blame game?

Do you play the blame game?

This week on The Creating Wealth Show, Jason Hartman took up the topic of personal responsibility with guest John Miller, an organizational and development expert. Personal responsibility, or lack of accountability, seems to be suffering an outbreak of epic...

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The value of packaged commodities.

The value of packaged commodities.

We live in strange times. It’s only been recently, relatively speaking, that the use of paper currency came into vogue and, even MORE recently, that the dollar has not been backed up by an equal amount of gold in a vault somewhere. This idea lies at the crux of our...

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Stock brokers aren’t COMPETELY wrong.

Stock brokers aren’t COMPETELY wrong.

Here at the offices of Empowered Investor Network, Wall Street is a favorite whipping boy, and with good reason. The lame class of assets (stocks, bonds, mutual funds) they peddle haven’t worked well in the past, aren’t working now, and won’t work in the future. We’re...

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Borrowing is good.

Borrowing is good.

Like many in previous generations, you might have been raised to believe that borrowing is bad or, if not bad, at least something that should leave a slightly bad taste in your mouth. If that describes you, then get ready to open your mind to rich new possibilities...

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Why do we say “Refi ’til ya die!”?

Why do we say “Refi ’til ya die!”?

We recently mentioned that the Empowered Investor Network believes in a real estate strategy that is exactly opposite of flipping. We think that the strategy of buying and holding prudent rental properties over a long period of time offers tremendous advantages, one...

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The problem with flipping…

The problem with flipping…

If you’ve been a follower of Jason Hartman and Empowered Investor Network's style of investing for any length of time, you know we don’t believe flipping properties is the best approach for creating wealth in real estate. There are several reasons we think this way,...

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Why it’s good to be a control freak.

Why it’s good to be a control freak.

When it comes to your real estate investments, it’s good to be a control freak. This is not what talking head hosts will tell you on the cable financial shows. They want you to drink the Wall Street Kool-Aid and do your best zombie imitation as you follow the broker...

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Back to basics.

Back to basics.

Here at Empowered Investor Network, we talk about the value of a real estate education. In fact, it happens to be one of Jason’s 10 Commandments of Successful Investing, occupying the #1 position, so he must think it’s pretty important. But when we talk about the...

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Master’s Weekend – early warning.

Master’s Weekend – early warning.

Twice a year, Empowered Investor Network hosts a premium educational event designed to transform wannabe income property investors into actual landlords. Why do we suggest income property (rentals)? In our opinion, and it is backed up by historical numbers, this is...

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