The value of packaged commodities.

We live in strange times. It’s only been recently, relatively speaking, that the use of paper currency came into vogue and, even MORE recently, that the dollar has not been backed up by an equal amount of gold in a vault somewhere.

This idea lies at the crux of our unwavering belief that true investment value lies not in currency backed assets like stocks but in commodity backed assets like a house sitting on a piece of land that you can charge someone a monthly rent to live there. That’s what rental properties are all about.

Trying to maintain some sort of value in the dollar is a tightrope act our leaders cannot hope to keep up forever. Do you think the American currency has a magical protection that insulates it from the out of control hyper-inflation episodes that have plagued countries like Germany and Argentina in the previous century?

We don’t.

While the greenback swirls around and around, ever lower into the toilet bowl, we’re going to be buying assets proven to have lasting value no matter what the economy is doing. A packaged commodity is another word for a house, which is built with things you can touch like copper, concrete, and wood. Commodities will have value long after the dollar is relegated to the dustbin of history.

Hanging onto your property after the economy disintegrates? That’s a different problem. Now might be a good time for you to check out It’s about protecting the people, places, and profits you care about during uncertain times.

The Platinum Team

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