Christian Stadler on Brexit & Real Estate

In the first part of the show, Jason Hartman talks about Silicon Valley banks and how they’re offering new hires 100% mortgages in just 24 hours. He also answers a question from a listener about the practice of Refi’ Til Ya Die. Afterward, he interviews...

The American Boomerang by Nick Adams

To start the show, Jason Hartman talks about his 9-day travel adventure, including the Venture Alliance Mastermind and Freedom Fastlane. He also discusses the deflationary effects of technology, Hartman’s Theory of Relativity, and the recovery of the US economy. In...

Accelerate Wealth Creation & Reduce Risk By Leveraging Debt

In this Flashback Friday episode, Jason Hartman talks about debt, both good and bad. He explains that the careful use of borrowed funds can accelerate wealth creation and reduce risk. Jason also looks at different perspectives, including a profile of Donald Trump and...

What Trump Means For Investors & The World by Charles Goyette

In today’s episode, Jason Hartman interviews Charles Goyette, future Venture Alliance Speaker and author of Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy and the New York Times bestseller, The Dollar Meltdown: Surviving the Impending...

Financing Your Real Estate Investments With Private Equity Loans

To start this episode, Jason Hartman talks about the game-changing concept of the self-driving car and the benefits of moving to Las Vegas, Nevada, a no income tax state. He then tackles what it means for real estate investors to have Donald Trump as president. His...