House Flipping Makes Money – But Is It Investing?

Buying real estate is the road to long term wealth – but not all real estate purchases work the same way to get you there. In a recovering market, flipping houses seems like the way to make quick money – but as Jason Hartman says, the fast buy and sell of flipping...

Do Investors Need a Personal Brand?

The concept of “branding” is everywhere these days, as marketing gurus and business guides stress the importance of having a unique and recognizable public identity, whether you’re a large corporation, an entrepreneur or even a job seeker just entering the employment...

Are You a Slave To Technology?

If the Internet suddenly disappeared, if your iPad screen went permanently blank, if the television remote stopped working, what would you do? If you’re like a lot of people around the world, you’d be climbing the walls. Maybe such a sweeping technology blackout isn’t...

The Dark Wallet: Security For Bitcoin Users

What’s in your (dark) wallet? As Bitcoin use continues to spread, so do efforts to regulate the digital currency and thwart its promise of anonymity. As Bitcoin users worry more and more about the vulnerability of the digital wallets used to conduct cybertransactions...

Real Estate Outlasts Gold for Investing Success

Good as gold? For investors hoping to create long term wealth, that old phrase rings pretty hollow. As the prices of gold and other precious metals bounce up and down in response to conditions in various parts of the world, real estate beats the glittery stuff hands...