Why a “Gold Standard” is Not the Answer

Part Three of Three Part Series Recent debt problems in the United States and across the world at large have brought the notion of a “gold standard” for the currency back into vogue. The allure of a gold standard is easy to see, since it means that there is a...

2013 Tax Changes: Who Benefits?

New Year’s Day came and went, and thanks to last-minute maneuvering, lawmakers avoided rushing like lemmings over the projected fiscal cliff. But as the dust settles and details emerge about the implications of the last minute deal, one thing is uncomfortably clear:...

Anatomy of the Bubble Machine (Part Two of a Three Part Series)

When examining market bubbles, it is critical to understand exactly what they represent. Fundamentally speaking, a market bubble emerges when expectations about the future growth for a certain asset grow so high that people sacrifice future production and consumption...

Bubbles and Crashes (Part One of a Three Part Series)

Much has been made of bubbles in recent years. The late 1990’s saw the technology bubble, quickly followed by a real estate bubble that resulted from easy-money policies designed to stimulate recovery from the technology recession. Each time that a bubble emerges, it...