Online-Only Banking: Is it Safe?

Traditional brick and mortar banks give the appearance of security and stability – and for most people, that’s the only place to leave their money. But a new kind of branchless banking is challenging those assumptions, as online only banking slowly but steadily draws...

Dodd-Frank Act Caves on Down Payments

It’s been three years since the Dodd Frank Act became law, but the legislation – intended to head off another crisis in mortgage backed securities – is still evolving, as bank regulators and lawmakers try to shape the Act’s broad provisions into specific rules and...

Can Too Much Information Derail Investing Success?

The Internet makes all the finance and investing information you’ll ever need available all the time. And as we’ve been reporting in this space, new mobile technologies mean that you’ll never be without access to all that stuff, wherever you go. But does this constant...

5 Handy Mobile Apps for Real Estate Investors

Smartphones and tablets, iPhone, iPad and Android – mobile devices are the heirs of the home computer, making it possible to do business anywhere and everywhere. There’s an app for virtually every need, including investing and managing investment properties. Here’s a...

7 Quotes to Invest By

The most inspiring words of wisdom on investing and finance are ageless – and they speak to the enduring truths about what’s important for success. From Mark Twain to Warren Buffet, market watchers from vastly different perspectives point out again and again that...