Tougher Standards Limit Reverse Mortgages

Long marketed to retirees and those heading toward retirement age, reverse mortgages just got harder to negotiate, thanks to new regulations that make those equity-based loans more expensive and harder to get. And the goal, according to the Federal Housing...

What (And Why) to Teach Kids About Money

Time was, teaching children how to manage money was as simple as handing them an allowance and helping them to open a savings account when they were old enough. But while that old strategy may have taught kids the value of saving, it didn’t show them much about the...

Can the Debt Limit Standoff Hurt Housing?

As the government shutdown drags on amid accusations and counteraccusations from both sides, a new phrase is entering public awareness: raising (or not) the federal debt limit, or debt ceiling. And the fate of this metaphorical ceiling has housing industry...

10 More Quotes to Invest By

A while ago we brought you 7 bits of investing inspiration from leading entrepreneurs, financiers and investors past and present. But those weren’t the only wise words for the investor’s soul. Short and sweet, these comments from people as diverse as a real estate...

Social Media Gets a High Profile In BofA’s Fraud Case

If the power and reach of social media in today’s world were ever in doubt, here’s the latest demonstration: a profile on the professional network LinkedIn became the equivalent of a real person in the latest fraud case against perennial defendant Bank of America....