Trump University: Real Estate Education or Scam?

One thing’s for sure – real estate titan Donald Trump knows how to keep the spotlight on himself. It seems that everyone’s favorite walking circus has drawn the attention of the state of New York, especially a little educational undertaking called Trump...

“Big Kid” Returns Go To Direct Investors

When most people think about investments, their minds immediately drift to vehicles such as mutual funds, hedge funds, bond funds, REIT’s, and other methods of pooled investments that are either managed or pegged against an index. Many noted academics such as Burton...

The Wisdom of Mark Twain: Frogs for Breakfast

Habits have the power to make or break your financial success. Good habits. Bad habits. Habits are a powerful thing and most of us have a bushel full of bad ones holding us back from being all we can be (thank you U.S. Marine Corps). After more than two decades using...

How to Buy Real Estate with Bad Credit and No Cash

Can you buy real estate with bad credit and no cash? Absolutely! Is it going to be easy? Probably not. There are a couple of realities we should point out. The first is that there are many, MANY examples of people who have grown wealthy in the property business...