#1 – Slow and Steady Real Estate Investing

In this episode… Jason introduces his basic real estate investing philosophy including The Three Dimensions of Real Estate(tm): 1. Prices 2. Mortgages 3. Cash flow (rental income) A discussion about how Platinum Area Managers and the criteria they use to scout...

Glossary Of Terms

We trust that the following Empowered Investor Network Glossary will be helpful to you. It is not meant to be an exhaustive list as that would take hundreds of pages, but a short list of terms, techniques and concepts you need to know and some of the proprietary terms...

Creating Wealth Encyclopedia Series – 3 Book Set – Shows 1-60

With this Creating Wealth Encyclopedia you will learn how to: Benefit from the current financial crisis. Shift from “Optimist to Opportunist” and become very wealthy. Take advantage of The Great Inflation Payoff. Pick local markets untouched by the...

Building Dreams Home Builders Art and Craft

Not only is home where the heart is, but it comes about through the skills of the hands and creative minds that home builders bring with them. In the space of this article, we will travel into the world of homebuilders in an attempt to understand their occupation and...