Invest With the Head, Not the Heart

There are plenty of times when the heart, not the head, governs decision-making. We buy a car because it fits the image we want to show the world, choose clothes that make us feel good. But while emotions have their place in the choices we make, successful investing...

RV Ratios: Do the Math

We’ve always been told that appearances can be deceiving. And that’s true in real estate investing as n most other areas of life. That’s where tools like Jason Hartman’s Rent to Value Ratio come in, with a way to sort the good from the bad and the ugly in income...

Jim Rogers on Gold, Fannie and Freddie…

Jason Hartman is joined by Jim Rogers, who is returning to the show a second time, to talk about Jim’s thoughts on several issues. Jim discusses the possibility of a major correction in the gold market, cautioning that it is not normal to have so many speculators...

When Banks Can’t Help, Try Private Lending

Jason Hartman: Welcome to the Creating Wealth show. This is your host Jason Hartman. This is episode number 287. A super short intro today, I just want to get to our guest. We have a lot to talk about on future shows and will be back with that in the next episode. But...

David Carey is the King of Private Equity

Jason Hartman: Welcome to the Creating Wealth Show. This is episode number 284. I’m your host, Jason Hartman. Thanks for joining me today. Last episode, I was talking with Steve during the intro portion of that episode and we covered a lot of things but we still have...