
Should you get an adjustable rate mortgage?

Should you get an adjustable rate mortgage?

When you sit down at your favorite bank to secure financing for your next income property, chances are good the topic of adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) will come up. Do we at Empowered Investor think this is a good idea? To answer plainly, we think it’s about as good...

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80 year loans in Ireland.

80 year loans in Ireland.

Would you like it if your mortgage was fixed-rate for an 80 year term? That’s exactly what you can get from banks in Ireland and, even the United States, 40 and 50 year mortgages are beginning to pop their heads up in some areas. Is this a good or bad thing? We think...

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Invest overseas? Not yet.

Invest overseas? Not yet.

As we muddle through a nasty sort of recessionary economic time in the United States, it’s natural for investors to begin to wonder if their dollars would be better spent abroad. Surely, there are other options somewhere around this vast globe suitable for...

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Dallas, TX

Dallas, TX

[swfobj src="/resources/video/Dallas-TX.swf" width="560" height="400"] Download PDF

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Refinancing numbers aren’t boring. They can make you rich!

Refinancing numbers aren’t boring. They can make you rich!

People who supposedly know about this kind of stuff say it’s dangerous to include numbers when you write. That may be true but at Empowered Investor Network, we think numbers like the ones you’re about to see are pretty exciting. The following set of numbers is visual...

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Unlearn what you have learned.

Unlearn what you have learned.

Star Wars nerds may realize that the title of this piece swipes a line from Yoda in the Empire Strikes Back (I think). In this case it came to mind in response to an e-mail question from one of our listeners on the Creating Wealth podcast. Mike wanted to know Jason’s...

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Forget the army. Go to mobile home bootcamp.

Forget the army. Go to mobile home bootcamp.

No disrespect to our brave women and men in the armed forces but their bootcamps don’t teach you how to become wealthy investing in mobile home parks like this one does. We’ve spent a little time talking about mobile home parks recently. Maybe you’ve been interested...

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Financing, real estate, and your IRA

Financing, real estate, and your IRA

We’ve been talking recently about investing in real estate through your Individual Retirement Account. For years, Empowered Investor has recommended the powerful combination of appreciation and income this asset provides. Add in our innovative refinancing strategy and...

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