Invest overseas? Not yet.

As we muddle through a nasty sort of recessionary economic time in the United States, it’s natural for investors to begin to wonder if their dollars would be better spent abroad. Surely, there are other options somewhere around this vast globe suitable for profitability. While there are places where income property purchase make sense, we still believe the United States is your best option when it comes to buying real estate. Why do we stubbornly persist in this opinion? Here are a few reasons.

First, the United States exhibits a political stability that is hard to find elsewhere. That’s just the truth. A country that manages to battle as viciously as our two major parties do during elections but still results in a peaceful transition of power every single time for more than 230 years is unusual. And though we Americans love to complain about how ridiculously high our taxes are, on a global scale they are, in fact, relatively low. Add to that our level of freedom and transparent legal system (when compared to most others) and you have an attractive and stable environment for property investing.

We’ve traveled the world extensively looking for international investment opportunity but we keep ending up back in the good old United States of America when it comes right down to making recommendations to our clients. So, don’t worry about spending your time and energy trying to find great real estate overseas. We’ll let you know when we find some. Until then, keep on implementing Empowered Investor Network strategies right here at home.