
Find the bottom of the cycle.

Find the bottom of the cycle.

You’re motivated to leave Wall Street investing for good and purchase an income property because, in a recent nightmare, you were visiting Bernie Madoff in prison to see if he had any hedge fund ideas. Good decision. Wall Street - bad. Income property - good. If...

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Income property investing – find a good spot.

Income property investing – find a good spot.

Should you decide to buy a particular income property because it feels right, it’s located next to your favorite bar, or you’re just tired of looking? Umm, the answer to all three would be a loud, “No!” Why would you approach the most important part of the property...

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Only invest in assets you control.

Only invest in assets you control.

Have we pummeled you enough about the head lately regarding investing ONLY in things you control? Probably not, because it seems like there are still a few million crazies out there investing in Wall Street assets. Are they determined to lose their money? Let’s have a...

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Non-dollar-based assets will rock your world.

Non-dollar-based assets will rock your world.

We’ve been talking a bit lately about how, in our humble opinion, the dollar is poised for a headfirst plummet off a very high cliff. When it does, get ready for the cloud of dust slowly rising up into the sky, just like in the Roadrunner cartoon when Wile E. Coyote...

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Why it’s good to be a borrower in inflationary times.

Why it’s good to be a borrower in inflationary times.

The worst person to be with inflation looming is the bank! The catbird seat is occupied by, you guessed it, the borrower. Why do we say this and are we just full of rotten beans when we do? No. It all comes down to purchasing power and the decreasing real value of the...

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“We are out of money now.”

“We are out of money now.”

We don’t mean to scare you – well, actually we do. The words above were spoken by President Obama at a recent press conference. Ouch. Does that mean the U.S. economy is a car with a bone dry gasoline tank still rolling slightly from 233 years of inertia? Maybe. A...

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Maryland learns a hard lesson in fleecing the rich.

Maryland learns a hard lesson in fleecing the rich.

Last year, politicians in Maryland could not figure out how to balance the state budget. As most good public servants do, they thought, “Instead of making tough choices for the amount of money we have, let’s squeeze the wealthy for more because they don’t really...

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Is the government signing your paycheck?

Is the government signing your paycheck?

Here’s a scary little number that recently surfaced. Government social spending and public sector jobs accounted for 26% of the U.S. personal income in April. That’s more than ONE QUARTER of all personal income generated in this great (but rapidly deteriorating)...

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Bernie’s the Poster Boy for Commandment #3.

Bernie’s the Poster Boy for Commandment #3.

Unless you’ve been living in an ice cave north of the Arctic Circle, you’ve probably been at least somewhat aware there was a fund manager by the name of Bernie Madoff who recently bilked investors to the tune of 65 billion dollars. Some say “only” 20 billion in...

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