Are 3D Printed Homes the Future of Housing?

Technological innovation is inevitable.  With so much talent across the globe and information being exchanged at unprecedented rates, there will always be a tendency for industries to innovate.  People may complain about the current set of technologies such as...

How You Can Survive America’s Current Inflation Crisis

Watch this video on YouTube Understanding real estate trends is key to being successful in this field.  A lot of assumptions that people hold about real estate, and many other sectors for that matter, are outdated and erroneous.  There’s a lot of experts and financial...

Revisiting Asset Deflation/Monetary Inflation

You might have noticed that we’re in an interesting time, financially. We’ve got asset deflation and monetary inflation—assets decreasing in value and dollars that offer temporary strength. This, as Jason Hartman has said before, are great times for the investor. Now...