How You Can Survive America’s Current Inflation Crisis

Understanding real estate trends is key to being successful in this field. 

A lot of assumptions that people hold about real estate, and many other sectors for that matter, are outdated and erroneous. 

There’s a lot of experts and financial pundits out here who denigrate real estate and claim it’s a lousy investment. 

These people can be safely ignored. 

Just look at what’s really happening in the real estate sector these days. 

A few decades ago, renting a house was generally uncommon and a bit frowned upon. But now it’s very much the new normal and it’s likely not going away anytime soon. 

Rents are actually getting a lot higher. As a matter of fact, rents lag by a minimum of two years. Sometimes they might even lag by four years.

One thing to note is that renting houses has become a widespread development nationwide. It’s no longer taboo to rent a house. Many people are in an economically stressed position, so they’ll have to find a way to put a roof over their head. 

For many Americans, renting a property will do the trick.

In light of these facts, it’s a small wonder why rents are rising. Rent increases will be here to stay in the current housing environment where people are more receptive towards renting properties. This creates a sustained period of high demand for rental housing. 

Just look around at a lot of markets…. rents are getting a lot higher. 

For example, in Miami, there has been a 40.8% increase in rents in just one year for single-family homes.

Many housing markets nationwide are experiencing similar trends. And this is a gold mine for many income property investors. 

You, my fellow empowered investor, should exploit this new trend to the fullest degree. 

This is a time when you cannot be conventional when it comes to the way you build your wealth. 

 Everything is a scam these days. From politics to the stock market, Americans are getting conned like no other. 

Worse yet, people’s standards of living are stagnating and sometimes dropping. This ain’t the 1950s anymore, where a single breadwinner can sustain an entire family. 

The game has totally changed. However, we’re not complainers at the Empowered Investor Pro community. 

Moments like these are where greatness is made. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. 

Even in this time of growing inflation, there’s bountiful opportunities for America’s most talented entrepreneurs and investors to profit from. 

The latter are in a unique position to use housing as a viable wealth-building mechanism. 

Do not get shaken up by the media hysteria. Things are rough, but the sky is not falling. Especially, if you’re an income property investor. 

Remember this age-old axiom about the housing sector: The home is the center of the universe. 

Regardless of the economic situation or how politics is playing out in America, people will always need a roof over their heads. 

That’s a fact. 

That said, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. We’re in for some turbulent economic times. And you must prepare and plan ahead. Those who don’t do that will be in for a world of financial hurt. 

It cannot be stressed enough the importance of increasing your credit lines and protecting your assets. In doing so, you will be able to invest adeptly during inflationary times.  

In one of my recent videos, “Staggering Inflation DESTROYING the Middle Class: Skyrocketing Rents, Travel & Auto Loan Troubles” I go into why you must prepare yourself financially for the inflationary period before us. The days of complaining are over.