Why You Must Take Proactive Steps to Protect Yourself

Economically protecting yourself is crucial in these times of economic instability.

Forget about the latest celebrity gossip or the outrage that’s going on in Washington, DC. It’s best that you start worrying about the things that actually matter… like your finances.

Your financial health is what truly counts. Do not treat this subject lightly. It could be the difference between you living a life of comfort and opulence or in a state of perpetual economic anxiety. 

Sadly, millions of Americans don’t take their finances seriously and just simply go with the flow. As a result, they live paycheck to paycheck and work under sub-optimal circumstances.

A lot of this is not exclusively people’s fault. The current system perpetuates a misleading narrative about how people should build their financial foundations.

Conventional wisdom holds that you’ll be safe holding a 9 to 5. Slave away at a cubicle, put your money in a 401k, follow the law, and pay your taxes. 

Within a few decades, you’ll supposedly be financially set and living comfortably. 

There’s several problems with this approach. For one, you’ll only be able to enjoy your wealth towards the latter stages of your life from 55 to 65.  Why wait so long to enjoy the fruits of your labor?

There are countless people who have broken out of the financial matrix and been able to live life on their own terms at a relatively young age. They did so by doing the opposite of what society has instructed them to do. 

It pays to be a contrarian. 

Now, let’s say you have the good fortune of being in a high-paying profession. You have a comfy job that pays well and comes with loads of perks — bonuses, vacation time, and even a nice pension. 

However, you are not afraid to speak your mind. You’re not only bold but have controversial opinions on a host of cultural and political issues. 

One day at the water cooler you had some mean words for a supposed “victim” group. You noticed that several of your co-workers who took part in the conversation were visibly uncomfortable over the remark you made. 

At first, you didn’t make much about those comments. They were just controversial yet harmless remarks that adults can handle with grace even if they disagreed with them. 

At least so it seems…..

The following day you get pulled into the Human Resources department, where the HR manager regrets to inform you that you have now been fired due to your non-politically correct remark.

All your hard work, fantastic performance reviews, and contributions to your company all went out of the window.

Instead, your politically incorrect remark was what your higher-ups obsessively focused on.

For years, you felt like you were at the top of the world at your job. 

But for simply speaking your mind, your entire career comes crashing down.

Now you join millions of Americans on the unemployment lines and are anxiously wondering where you will receive your next paycheck. 

That’s cancel culture for you.

Unfortunately, cancel culture has totally engulfed corporations nationwide as boardrooms become “woke” and HR departments police the most mundane of human interactions in the workplace. 

As a result, people are constantly walking on eggshells and keeping their heads down.

This is a miserable existence that no one should have to be subjected to. However, you will be compelled to go through it if you don’t put in the work and take the necessary steps to become financially sovereign. 

The path to financial security is not straightforward. In fact, it’s quite bumpy and can be a bit intimidating at first. 

But for those who dig deep and roll with the punches, they will be handsomely rewarded.

The key here is that you’re ready to learn, put your knowledge into practice, and plan ahead. 

The last point is crucial. You can’t just spontaneously conduct business and aimlessly hope for the best. 

You must do research and devise a coherent plan so that you achieve your financial freedom goals with as few hiccups as possible. 

When building wealth you must do everything possible to protect your assets. 

Just ask our very own Jason Hartman, who has been in the real estate investing game for multiple decades.

He understands the importance of creating the right corporate structures so that your assets are safe from the economic and legal elements. 

Jason recently recorded an interview with Rich Dad Advisor Garrett Sutton to talk about what the most optimal business structure is for income property investing. 

Make sure to check out YouTube Jason Hartman’s video titled “Most Overlooked Facet of Asset Protection!” to make sure that you have the right corporate structure in place. 

P.S. To avoid the rat race, you need to build multiple income streams. 

One of the most proven ways of building a separate stream of income is by getting involved in real estate investing. 

Now, real estate investing is not a walk in the park. It’s a field that requires a significant amount of learning and practice.

This can intimidate many folks. And even force them to quit.

Don’t do that. Especially when resources such as Empowered Investor Pro are available to you.

Guidance is key in the journey towards financial sovereignty. 

Get the right guidance by joining Empowered Investor Pro here.
