Why You Must Prepare for the Next Recession

Planning ahead seems like a superpower in an era marked by short-term thinking. Most people these days like to live in the moment and act according to their impulses.

While enjoying one’s self is great, too much of this behavior can be detrimental to society’s well-being. Successful civilizations are ones where people plan for the future, make sacrifices in the present, and conserve their resources for the future. 

In sum, disciplined societies that think about the future are those that progress, while those that have no restraint or care for the future head down the path of socio-economic decay. 

As the great businessman Harvey Mackay brilliantly outlined in the title of one of his New York Times bestselling books, “Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty.”  Indeed, you will need to do work on the back-end so that you’re prepared for the worst of the economic elements. 

We’re in for some turbulent economic times. Inflation is not going away, energy prices are going up, and there’s now rumors about a new set of lockdowns being imposed to combat the pandemic. 

All of these are factors that will do a major number on the economy and hurt many Americans on Main Street. While most of the economic problems we face are the product of bad public policy, there’s only so much you can do. 

Politics is one beast that’s often out of our control. That said, this is no excuse for you to sit on the sidelines and wait as the economy continues sputtering.

An economically tumultuous moment like this is the perfect time for you to start planning for the future and building your portfolio. 

Even in this time of great economic uncertainty, real estate investing remains king as far as wealth-building strategies are concerned.    

You see, the home is at the center of the universe. No matter the economic circumstances, people will still need to have housing. 

Yes, even during an economic collapse, people will opt for humbler housing arrangements. That’s why you see many people turning to rental properties just to put a roof over their heads. 

You, the empowered real estate investor, can absolutely exploit this new trend. By acquiring an income property, you can build constant cash flows by renting it out to tenants. 

There are no longer many taboos against house renting. This has resulted in an increased demand for rental properties. In addition, this new trend has put upward pressure on rents, which income property investors can exploit to their heart’s content. 

As more people start renting houses, the more opportunities arise for you to build cash flows. 

Again, this cannot be stressed enough: To succeed in real estate, you have to plan ahead and chart out the moves you want to make in advance. Prosperity comes to those who prepare and plan ahead. 

This means you will need to set up entities to protect assets, make educated investments, and secure credit lines.

These are things to keep in mind during your real estate investing journey. You can’t just do things on the fly and hope for the best. Planning and preparation has to be the center of your wealth-building strategy if you want to succeed as an income property investor.

You see, many self-styled “experts” have engendered a “get rich quick” mindset among people.

That’s the wrong way of doing things when it comes to real estate investing.

Instead you should tune into my

YouTube channel to learn more about sustainable wealth-building techniques.

Hint, hint they involve real estate investing, specifically investing in income properties.

Don’t miss out on this episode, “Are You Ready for the Next RECESSION? How to Prepare.”

Tune in below: