Why is podcasting so special?

Podcasting. The word sounds like it squirmed straight out of a bad 1950’s science fiction movie. Instead, it was dubbed 2005 “word of the year” by the Oxford American Dictionary, and has become a serious tool for internet marketers. If you’re trying to sell something online – anything at all – why aren’t you podcasting?

First let’s describe what we’re talking about. It’s pretty simple. A podcast is a multimedia file that combines sound, visual, and textual information intended for web distribution. What’s so special about that? Multimedia files have been around forever. The key concept here is distribution. A podcast is easily downloaded by anyone with a computer, iPod, or other mobile device for listening to on the go or at home. Anywhere really. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) allows interested people to subscribe to your podcast and receive alerts when a new episode is available.

Your job is simply to supply great content at regular intervals.

Already the uses of podcasting are myriad. Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

1. Teachers create audio lessons for students to listen to on the go
2. Preachers record sermons for a broader distribution of the message
3. Museums include podcasts on their website for downloaded

What could you do with a podcast? To see another example of the possibilities, look no further than JasonHartman.com and the Creating Wealth Show. Now almost 200 episodes in, Mr. Hartman has created an indispensable resource for real estate investors and work-at-home marketers to learn the critical skills necessary to create life-changing wealth. Through the wonder of podcasting, you can access this information in a variety of different ways to consume later at your own pace.

Now, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: What can I podcast about?

The Creating Wealth Team

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