Always Remember, Central Planning = Economic Misery

At the Empowered Investor community we stress the importance of wealth building and financial sovereignty. 

These concepts are more than just buzzwords. They represent what you must attain if you want to brave the future economic storm that awaits us. 

We’re not going to sugarcoat it, the American economy is in bad shape. While things aren’t going the doomsday route, it would be misleading to say that the American economy is A-OK. 

In fact, it’s doing quite awful. Inflation seems to be a fixture now as it’s constantly eating away at people’s savings. 

That’s what happens when central banks are given the power to fix the price for interest rates and increase the money supply at a whim. 

Central planning and economic prosperity do not mix well. It destroys price signals on the market that tell entrepreneurs what to produce or what to pull back altogether. On top of that, government intervention reduces the overall supply of goods and services, thereby making things much more expensive for the common man.  

Unfortunately, we’re living in a time when people have grown more dependent on the government and have become increasingly hostile towards the concept of the free market. 

It’s going to take an intellectual revolution of sorts for things to return to normal. 

In the meantime, it pays for people to educate themselves on the basic principles of economics and get a stronger understanding of the Deep Politics that’s all around us. 

One of the best ways to do so is by tuning into Jason Hartman’s content, which spans real estate investing to geopolitics. It’s some of the most informative content that you will find surfing YouTube. 

In a recent video with financial heavyweights George Gammon and Ken McElroy, Jason discusses some of the present economic insanity that countless people in the West are being subjected to. 

Check it out here

P.S. Politics is a nasty business.’

At the Empowered Investor Pro, we do touch upon some of the public policies that make certain housing markets very difficult to invest in. 

However, we don’t obsess about the political process like some other content creators in the wealth building space.

We focus on what we can actually control. namely, our wealth.

At Empowered Investor Pro, we stress the importance of using income properties as a vehicle to build steady cash flows.

This comes in handy at a time when inflation is raging hard.

Yeah you can’t change a sub-optimal political situation, but you can make a difference on the way your finances will look.

At Empowered Investor Pro, we’ll teach you how to become the best income property investor you can be.

This is one skill that will make you immune to the inflationary disease and other government created economic illness. 

If you believe that you are ready to reach new income property investing heights, join Empowered Investor Pro right here.