We preach “microtargeting.”

Microtargeting. That’s a cool little word that has nothing to do with a sniper perched high on a ridge waiting for the black limousine to drive by below. For our purposes, microtargeting refers to the process Empowered Investor goes through when selecting properties we eventually recommend to our clients. It’s not enough to suggest you buy in Austin or Indianapolis.

You’ve heard us say that all real estate is local. The truth is that designating a city is not enough of a target. To succeed in income property investing, we’ve got to drill down even further to find not only the pearl within the oyster but the shiny spot on the pearl within the oyster.

In real world terms, this means we find the right neighborhood, yes, but also find the right street in the neighborhood and the right location on that street. This is microtargeting. To find these investment gems takes due diligence. We have an area specialist in place who’s only job is to know that city and every area within the city. Then Empowered Investor requires that specialist to put their money where their mouth is and actually purchase a property like the kind they’re recommending.

Other real estate services might tell you one city is better than another. We believe in order to give our clients the best chance for successful property investing it’s necessary to go the extra mile and pinpoint even more precisely.