Twitter Business Center is coming!

Twitter. Facebook. MySpace. The rub with the powers-that-be in charge of each of these social media titans is how to make them profitable. From a business perspective, what good is it to have 70 trillion thousand participants but not make a single red cent in profit?

The soon-to-be-launched Twitter Business Center (TBC) proves at least one of the Big Three is on the case. What exactly will the TBC do that anyone cares about? The answer to that question is still to be determined but here’s the plan.

The TBC is all about branding and allowing businesses to use their account to interact with customers more efficiently. While there are several new bells and whistles rumored to be included in the new package, perhaps the most important to you as an online marketer is the ability to receive direct messages from customers you are not following. This is a pretty big deal to businesses who try to keep their page “clean” and uncluttered from following hundreds or thousands of customers. The problem until TBC was that if you didn’t follow a person, you couldn’t receive a direct message from them.

Now you can maintain a clean, private, two-way conversation, which is a great way to take care of customer service issues through the Twitter interface. And, yes, it will do other things also, but as with most things related to social media, we’ll have to wait and see how it all shakes out. In this brave new world, who can predict what’s going to be hot and what quickly forgot(ten)?

Stay tuned to for more news to help you improve your internet marketing brand.

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