Three 1960s Era Policies that Dramatically Impacted America

It’s no exaggeration that the 1960s was a transformative decade in American history.

From the Vietnam War to the Sexual Revolution, the entire decade was filled with all sorts of upheavals both in political and cultural terms. 

Whole papers could be written about the 1960s.

But for today, let’s just focus on three key legislative acts passed during this era.

Three policies of the 1960s stand out for their overall impact on American politics and economic affairs that are still being felt to this day:

  1. Hart-Cellar Act aka The 1965 Immigration Act: A law that opened the door to mass migration from the Third World.
  2. Higher Education Act of 1965: This law created federal scholarships and low-interest loans with the goal of making college education more accessible.
  3. The Great Society: The set of domestic programs from Medicare/Medicaid to “affordable” housing that consolidate the American welfare state and got the government involved in nearly all facets of Americans’ lives. 

In the case of Hart-Cellar, we’ve seen well over 50 million immigrants imported to the US since its passage. Now, America was largely built on immigration. But immigration has occurred in waves and was generally paused, through natural or legislative causes, to promote assimilation and protect American workers. 

With mass migration not being restrained thus far, American workers continue to face downward pressure on their wages.  

When it comes to higher education, it’s a total mess. For reference, federal student aid was around $231 million in 1964. By 1981, the federal government was spending $7 billion on loans alone

In 2009, student loan debt stood at a whopping $675 billion and in 2019 that figure soared to north of $1.5 trillion

By increasing subsidies, university administrators have every incentive to raise their fees. In effect, colleges are using federal largesse to build swanky dorms and luxury amenities. Most universities these days look more like resorts as opposed to institutions of higher learning.  

This arrangement is perfect for university administrators, who receive fat salaries and do very little to advance the quality of education.

As for the Great Society, the dilapidated state of America’s premier urban centers says it all. By creating massive welfare programs, the Great Society has fostered multi-generational poverty and welfare dependency. In addition, this has led to break down of the family structure and the subsequent rise of crime in urban centers nationwide. 

And this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to 1960s policies that have done a number on US society. There’s a litany of other corrosive policies that have wreaked havoc on the US, but that would require a full-fledged course to flesh out. Hehe 

The one thing that’s undeniable about the many toxic developments we see today is that they have roots in public policy. 

And let’s face it… Public policy is ultimately crafted by elites.

Whether we like it or not, it’s elites who ultimately shape society’s course.

George Gammon, Ken McElroy, and I have picked up on this trend and it’s what motivated us to form The Collective Mastermind.

Unlike other masterminds, The Collective is focused on building a new elite.

Your average mastermind group might give you useful skills and connect with some interesting people here and there. However, they simply don’t go far enough when it comes to connecting you with the right people.

The average main event for a mastermind is generally filled with boring pitches for products that simply won’t take you to the next level.

Instead, at The Collective Mastermind, we’re focused on cultivating “the who.” 

“The who” you say? 

You see, you need to have the who on your side if you want to make breathtaking progress in your financial goals.

At its core, the who refers to high value individuals that any aspiring entrepreneur should have if they’re serious about continuing to climb the economic ladder. 

The who is made up of celebrities, entrepreneurs, investors, politicians, and other prominent individuals with extensive connections and resources.

Most people would kill to have those figures in their network.

Having such high value individuals is what takes six figure earners and catapults them into millionaire and even multi-millionaire status. 

You can have access to such a network by being accepted into The Collective Mastermind.

You see, we’re looking to build a team of the sharpest entrepreneurs and investors out there.

Yes, this group will be selective. We won’t just be accepting anyone.

What the team at the Collective Mastermind is looking for is individuals who’ve put their money where their mouth is. 

We want the hard-nosed investors and entrepreneurs who’ve been in the trenches and have real world experience.

Most importantly, we want “the doers” who want to level up and strive for greatness. 

This is not your grandpa’s mastermind group.

Our next big event will be taking place in Bonita Springs, Florida from February 4-6, 2022.

Think you have the qualifications to join this elite group of entrepreneurs? 

Apply for The Collective Mastermind here:
